2 min read

Introducing "Navigational Notes": A Newsletter Exploring Tech and Activism

Join Lyre Calliope's Navigational Notes newsletter. Explore the intersections of technology, activism, and human connection, and become an active participant in shaping our digital future. Subscribe for exclusive content and events.
Introducing "Navigational Notes": A Newsletter Exploring Tech and Activism
The starry night sky is reflected on a still body of water. Snow-covered mountains are in the background. Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger / Unsplash

TL;DR Summary

  • "Navigational Notes" is a newsletter by Lyre Calliope that explores technology, activism, and human connection.
  • It offers a platform for learning, action, and community engagement, covering diverse topics and providing access to exclusive events, workshops and content.

Hello and welcome to the Space Cadet's "Navigational Notes" newsletter!

I’m Lyre Calliope, and I'll be your captain as we set course through the worlds of technology, activism, and human connection. I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you.

I’m a firm believer in the transformative power of the Internet, and the ways that it can help us shape a more just and equitable world. At its heart, the Internet is a reflection of our collective desires and aspirations - a web of interconnectedness where we can come together to create and build new futures for ourselves and our communities.

Despite my idealism, I also acknowledge the dark history and perils that come with the Internet, such as cyberstalking, coordinated harassment campaigns, surveillance capitalism, misinformation, and mass propaganda. Still, I believe that together, we can combat these threats and create safer digital spaces where our communities can grow and thrive.

With the Space Cadets, I aim to create an online community for learning and action. It's a safe space for anyone interested in or worried about technology's role in our society. Here we can celebrate the joy of discovery, foster safety and creativity, and work to shape a more equitable and inclusive future with, through, and in spite of tech.

The "Navigational Notes" newsletter is an invitation to join this community of explorers navigating the complexities of our digital lives. While some of my content will be technical, I aim to make as much of it as accessible and non-technical as possible.

Whether you're a seasoned "movement technologist", just starting your tech activist journey, or experience intense tech anxiety, you're in the right place!

"Navigational Notes" will bring you a curated selection of media that I believe is worth our attention. Topics will span a wide range, from mental health in activism and tech, the impacts of AI on the arts, to digital security. We'll also tackle big questions like how can we regain our digital autonomy from corporate control, and what does that even mean?!

You'll also learn about people, projects, and communities making waves at the intersections of tech and society. Whenever possible, I'll highlight opportunities to get involved and contribute to these initiatives.

"Navigational Notes" will also be your resource for discovering a variety of events and workshops. These offerings, hosted by us or organized by other members of our community, will cover a wide array of topics, from "holistic security" to the politics of technology.

Every Thursday night, I host a weekly livestream at lyre.live where we dive into various topics through engaging formats like casual conversations, interviews, and collaborative research sessions. You'll get a sneak peek of these livestreams in the newsletter, so you're always in the loop.

"Navigational Notes" is more than just a newsletter—it's your unique gateway into the world of tech and social activism.

If you're interested in being a part of this community, I encourage you to join our crew and sign up for the weekly "Navigational Notes" newsletter. By subscribing, you'll get access to exclusive content and be the first to know about future offerings and events.

I'm excited about the possibilities of this space and can't wait to see where it takes us. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

🖖🏼Best, Lyre Calliope